Bold New World reveals...
New Rules and Insights
Nation-states as the primary pillars of world order will become
an anachronism.
We will witness the devolution of power from the large
nation-state to local administrations, and conversely, a shifting of other
powers to supranational, even global, authorities.
Global tribes comprised of individuals with common interests,
beliefs, and cultures, but in diverse lands, will arise.
The arbitrary distinction between domestic and international affairs will dissolve. Both will be
considered human affairs.
Most routine, repetitive jobs will vanish over the next few
To keep ahead of advancing technology, people entering the job
market will, on average, change careers (not
just jobs) three to four times during a lifetime.
The growth jobs will be those that are difficult to automate,
where a human touch is needed, or where technology is a tool for the worker
rather than its replacement.
The decentralization of the workplace will redefine the nature of
jobs. Individuals will be like a
private "company" providing services to other "companies."
Over the next two decades, technology will favor the terrorist;
classical military defense will be outmoded.
Wars won't be fought to control territory; the idea of a military
"front" will become pass¾.
The size of a nation will no longer be a key to wealth, making
military strategies focused on conquering territory obsolete.
Multinational corporations will be replaced by globocorps,
which will seek to act as though borders don't exist.
It will be impossible to classify a corporation as to its national
Paradoxically, globocorps will not be huge monoliths.
Bigness will now be a burden. The
highly adaptable Amoeba Form of
organization, which utilizes placeless technologies to bring together workers
throughout the world, will flourish.
Manufacturers and service companies will sell directly to
consumers, making middlemen and some retailers obsolete.
The declining importance of labor will fundamentally shift the
role of unions as their power and influence continues to weaken in most
Global capital flows and transnational trade will accelerate to
such a frenetic pace that nations will no longer be able to control their
internal economies.
A radical transformation will occur in how sellers find buyers;
"stock markets" as we have known them will become extinct.
Our ability to substitute synthetic materials for natural
resources, combined with improved mining techniques, will mean that the price of
raw materials-including energy-will decline in the next century.
The manufacturing companies that survive will increasingly view
themselves as service companies,
rather than the purveyors of things.
With our landfills overflowing and global pollution rising, the
preservation of the environment will emerge as the highest cost in moving our
economy forward.
Students will be taught how to utilize the knowledge they have, rather than just memorizing
it; team problem solving will be key.
As our body of knowledge expands, libraries will become archaic as
repositories of knowledge.
School diplomas will diminish in importance, as employers will be
more interested in what practical knowledge a student has.
Global citizens will be divided into worldwide camps: those who
can navigate their way into economic prosperity in the Fourth
Dimension and those still enslaved in the Second and Third. |